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    Important Information

    Parent Portal

    The parent portal is now open for caregivers to complete the annual verification forms. You must complete the forms PRIOR to being able to access your student's schedule.

    Once you have downloaded and checked the forms if you require changes please click 'incorrect', print the form, then make any changes in a bold colour pen and have your student drop the forms off in the main office. 

    Timetables will be available in the student portal and parent portal beginning Friday, August 30th. 

    Bus Portal

    For school bus information please use the My Big Yellow Bus website. Please check your STS bus portal regularly for updates on routes and pick up/drop-off locations as these are subject to change throughout the school year. 

    Delays are also posted on their website and should be monitored by your student(s) each day.

    If the bus is cancelled and caregivers are not bringing the student to school with alternate transportation an absence must be entered into the Safe Arrival / SchoolMessenger system. Please see attendance reporting for details.


    School Council Header

    School Council

    The next School Council meeting will be Wednesday October 2nd, at 6:30 p.m. in our Learning Commons. Parents we hope to see you there.

    Parent Teacher Night

    Please watch the Week at a Glance Newsletter for more information for caregivers regarding our Parent/Teacher Night Thursday October 24, 2024. 

    CASS Week At A Glance

    Our weekly newsletter can be found by clicking the Week at a Glance link above. 

    Click the box to see our Week at a Glance for CASS Information!

    If you are looking for past newsletters they can be found here